Guest editors Steven Lewis and Thomas Colbert

Graphic designer Joe Ross

Ben Koush and Anna Mod

Joe and Jessica Ross

Scott Cartwright & Jenny Lynn Weitz-Amaré Cartwright

Nicole Zaza

Matthew Johnson and Harbeer Sandhu

Amanda and Everett Valentine with Miah Arnold

Allyn West

Chris Charles and Nadia Hussain

Raj Mankad, Brian Hammer, Mary Swift, and Cathy Bauer

Fernando Brave and Serge Ambrose

Michelangelo Sabatino and Christof Spieler

Debra Norris, Juan Negrete, and Alexandra Kelley

Yesterday evening, Cite celebrated the release of its new issue at Internum, a recently-opened high-end furniture store. The clean lines of the furniture and the crisp white walls made everyone look sharp. No one made speeches or declaimed poetry. It was an evening of good conversation and taking joy in beauty.

Alexandra Kelley, Carla Munoz, Debra norris, and Juan Negrete of Internum

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