Cite 9 cover showing mashup of housing styles

Editor’s Note

This issue of Cite, guest edited by Jan O'Brien, includes a wide range of topics. In the cover story, "Recent Housing in Houston: A Romantic Urbanism," Peter Waldman writes:

"There are differences between conventions of style and conventions of urbanity. Recent housing projects in Houston give ample evidence of this concern for image over understanding the potentials of building type. Housing is not a collection of individual house types. Rather, it is the "stuff of cities." This fabric permits urban decorum to exist. Housing has a long history as the systematic, not romantic, resolution of tight dimensions and high densities.

In London one dwells in a terrace house fronting a square.

In Paris one dwells in an apartment facing a boulevard.

In Rome even teh Pope dwells in the poche between institution and urban garden.

And in the Garden City of Houston almost everyone 'camps out' in a house shaded by a live oak tree."

Jan O'Brien


Steve Brooks; Barbara Cochran; Stephen Fox; John Kaliski; Christopher Lappala; Peter C. Papademetriou; William F. Stern; Michael Thomas; Michael Underhill; Sally Walsh; and Peter Wood.