Editor’s Note

This issue of Cite was guest edited by Stephen Fox and covers a wide range of topics. The issue does not include an editor's note but it does include an editorial about the Wortham Theater Center that ends with the following paragraph:

"In order for Houston's built environment---especially those components of it in the public domain---to be of the quality we desire, there needs to be a community-wide commitment to a higher order of planning accountability and leadership in the private and, especially, the public sectors. Such a commitment, and the deliberate and rational processes it would generate, now are overdue. If they were in place today, the Wortham Theater Center would be a much improved design and all Houstonians would be the beneficiaries."

Stephen Fox


Elizabeth S. Glassman; Paul Hester; Janet O'Brien; Peter C. Papademetriou; and Paul W. Schieffer.