Cite 24 cover

Editor’s Note

Cite 24 does not have an note by Chair and Editor Drexel Turner. The selection below is from the cover article, "Diamond in the Round: The Astrodome Turns 25," by Bruce Webb:

The Dome was like some chimerical island plopped down in a vast field on the far south edge of the city, offering a tantalizing glimpse of the brave new world Houstonians were creating for themselves. Although a downtown site had been investigated, il was bypassed in favor of the open prairie (leaving to New Orleans the distinction of being Ihe first American ciiy to install such an extraierresirial presence alongside downtown). In that first year, the most spirited contest enacted there was a war of lexical attrition between visiiing sports scribes from around the country trying lo ouldo one another in lavishing figures of speech. There was also some journalistic debunking by out-of-town writers who'd had their fill of hearing about the Dome. Jim MurTay continued to be unimpressed, even by the sheer engineering of the Dome: "Hoisting a roof is a theoretical problem well within the reach of the average Purdue sophomore. But Texans being Texans, the problem was keeping il all from blowing away until they had it all tacked down. They told everyone in town to shul up for a day or two until this was accomplished."

Drexel Turner


David Baker; Margaret Culberlson; Jay C. Henry; Lynn VI. Herbert; Richard Ingersoll; Carlos Jimenez; Barbara Koerble; Joe McGrath; John Mixnn; John Pastier; Patrick Peters; Kandle Pollock; William F Stern; Drexel Turner; Bruce C. Webb; and Michael E. Wilson.